Introcution =========== Prerequistes ------------ AioContext works with Python 3.4 and greater. It is compatible with both asyncio and uvloop event loops and does not depend on external libraries. Installation ------------ The recommended way to install packages is to use ``pip`` inside a virtual environment: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install aiocontext To install a development version: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone $ cd aiocontext $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ pip install -e . Basic API usage --------------- This section is a brief introduction to AioContext API. AioContext allows to store context information inside the asyncio.Task object. A typical use case for it is to pass information between coroutine calls without the need to do it explicitly using the called coroutine args. To create a new context store, instanciate a :class:`aiocontext.Context` instance:: from aiocontext import Context context = Context() A context object is a :class:`dict` so you can store any value you want inside. For example, in a web application, you can share a ``request_id`` between asynchronous calls with the following code:: async def print_request(): print("Request ID:", context.get('request_id', 'unknown')) async def handle_request(): context['request_id'] = 42 await print_request() To enable context propagation between tasks (i.e. between calls like :func:`asyncio.ensure_future`, :func:`asyncio.wait_for`, :func:`asyncio.gather`, etc.), the task factory of the event loop must be changed to be made context-aware. This is done by calling :func:`aiocontext.wrap_task_factory`:: from aiocontext import wrap_task_factory loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() wrap_task_factory(loop) If a custom task factory is already set, this function will "wrap" it with context management code, so it must be called after :meth:`asyncio.Loop.set_task_factory`. Finally, the context must be attached to the event loop:: context.attach(loop) The full code looks like:: import asyncio import aiocontext context = aiocontext.Context() async def print_request(): print("Request ID:", context.get('request_id', 'unknown')) async def handle_request(): context['request_id'] = 42 await print_request() if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() aiocontext.wrap_task_factory(loop) context.attach(loop) loop.run_until_complete(handle_request()) Comparison with other solutions ------------------------------- `aiotask-context`_ was an important source of inspiration and is a more battle-tested library. It provides a simpler API with a global, unique context. It does not support overloading custom task factories at the moment. `aiolocals`_ is another library to track task-local states. It comes with `aiohttp`_ integration to track HTTP requests. New tasks must be explicitly spawned with a ``wrap_async`` function to share contexts, which may be problematic when using libraries. `tasklocals`_ strives to provide an interface similar to :func:`threading.local`. It provides no mechanism of context sharing when a child task is spawned. The project looks abandoned. In the future, asynchronous context storage could be supported natively in the Python language. This is discussed in `PEP 550`_ and `PEP 567`_. .. _aiohttp: .. _aiolocals: .. _aiotask-context: .. _tasklocals: .. _PEP 550: .. _PEP 567: